To schedule an appointment please call our office
(919) 734-3344
If you have any questions or would like to learn more about the services we offer you can call our office any weekday during regular office hours.
Our After Hours Answering Service can be reached by calling (919) 734-3344
If you have a problem that cannot wait until the next business day, a Direct Provider Access after hours call will be answered by our answering service who will contact the provider on call at our practice and a call will be returned to you in real time.
Triage Nurse Line
A registered nurse is available during regular business hours to address clinical problems and medical issues. The nurse functions as a liaison between the provider and the patient. If you have medical questions or concerns, please call our office at (919)734-3344 and the nurse will speak with you or return your call in a timely manner. The nurse may not be available to speak with you immediately as she assists with other testing in our office. If you have a medical emergency, call 911 or go to the nearest hospital emergency department. If you need a prescription refill, please request the prescription refill line.